My Challenge for You

I created this blog with a challenge in mind. One for myself but also for all my readers. This challenge is to step outside of your comfort zone. Take a step out of your regular routines and let God mold your life the way HE intends for it to be. This is so much easier said than done, trust me, I know. But I have learned that when we are completely in the will of God, that is when He does the greatest things in our lives. I was once told by someone dear to me, "Where God leads, He provides." She told me that there was no better place to be but in God's will. I can honestly say, I have found this to be completely true. I challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone; Of following the crowd and being stubborn to what God wants for your life. If you can just find the courage to trust that He knows what He is doing, You will see the almighty, abundant grace of our Father. So go! Live a life outside of your comfort zone!

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